What resources are available to help me maintain academic integrity?
- GatorWell (https://gatorwell.ufsa.ufl.edu) – GatorWell is part of the Division of Student Affairs and offers resources and individual appointments that provide academic success coaching, time management assistance, and general health and wellness support. It is located in the Reitz Union on Level 1 next to the Career Resource Center.
- Appointments for wellness coaching for academic success – https://gatorwell.ufsa.ufl.edu/services/wellness-coaching/
- Writing Studio – The Writing Studio offers individual online tutoring appointments to help you become a stronger writer. Schedule an appointment here: https://writing.ufl.edu/writing-studio/for-students/schedule-an-appointment/
- Study Skills – Academic Resources housed by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers individual appointments and group workshops to help students strengthen learning strategies. Make an appointment here: https://academicresources.clas.ufl.edu/study-skills/
- Study Spaces – The UF Libraries provide individual and group study space. Reserve a space at the Health Science Center Libraries here: https://library.health.ufl.edu/services/reserve-a-room/reserve-a-study-room-students-only/.
- The Office of Academic Integrity, University of Waterloo (https://uwaterloo.ca/academic-integrity/integrity-students): The Office of Academic Integrity at Waterloo defines what they consider the six core values of academic integrity. The site also provides academic integrity resources and tips for students to maintain ethical behavior when engaged in academic activities.
- Recorded Tutorials – The UF Libraries provide a variety of online tutorial links, such as tutorials on quoting and paraphrasing and plagiarism. https://guides.uflib.ufl.edu/copyright/plagiarism. If you are looking for a particular topic related to academic integrity, ask a librarian. They are readily available to help.
- Counseling and Wellness Center (352 392-1575; https://counseling.ufl.edu) – The Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC) offers a wide range of online and in-person resources, from managing test anxiety and substance use to brief individual and couples counseling to crisis intervention. They also offer online workshops on topics such as building your time management toolbox. The CWC has two locations for in person services. The Counseling and Wellness Center located at 3190 Radio Road serves as the primary resource for students to receive non-urgent mental health services. The CWC located at 401 Peabody Hall offers students crisis support and urgent consultations. (The phone number and web site are the same.)
- Disability Resource Center (https://disability.ufl.edu) – If you have a disability that affects your learning, you are not alone. Over 5000 students at UF have disabilities. The Disability Resource Center will work with you to determine appropriate accommodations for you to fully engage in your courses. They also offer resources to provide accessible testing. You can find additional information on testing here: https://disability.ufl.edu/students/accommodated-testing-request/
- Dean of Students Office (https://dso.ufl.edu) –The Dean of Students Office (DSO) offers a variety of services that contribute to your overall well-being and can help you be academically successful. Some of the resources they provide or coordinate include:
- CARE team support services if you are experiencing any type of distress. Call (352) 294-2273, e-mail umatter@ufl.edu, or visit them at YON Hall, 4th Floor; also check out the website https://umatter.ufl.edu/helping-students/your-well-being/
- First generation student support: https://firstgeneration.ufsa.ufl.edu/
- Free food pantry if you are struggling to buy basic necessities. https://pantry.fieldandfork.ufl.edu/
- Substance abuse help coordinated with the Counseling and Wellness Center https://counseling.ufl.edu/services/aod/
- Academic Support Coordination: https://umatter.ufl.edu/helping-students/academic-support/.
- Medical petitions process for course withdrawals. The criteria, guidelines, and process for medical withdrawals can be found here: https://care.dso.ufl.edu/medical-petition-portal/
- Suspected conduct violations. Suspected violations of the honor code are managed by the Conduct and Conflict Resolution team. You can learn about the process and your rights here: https://sccr.dso.ufl.edu/process/student-honor-code/
- DSO lists many other resources through their U Matter, We Care site. https://umatter.ufl.edu/office/#
- UF HealthStreet (352 294-4880; https://healthstreet.program.ufl.edu/our-community-our-health-2/ ) – HealthStreet offers free access to a clothing closet, toiletry pantry, and free packages of Naloxone, a medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose. HealthStreet also provides referral assistance for health care and social services and hosts various support groups. HealthStreet is located at 2401 SW Archer Rd.
- Career Connections Center (https://career.ufl.edu ) – The Career Connections Center (CCC) can help you explore career paths and formulate realistic expectations based on your interests and skill sets. They also host the Molm Family Gator Career Closet where you can access no-cost professional clothing for the workplace, career fairs, and interviews. The CCC offers online and in-person consultations and services. The CCC is located at Suite 1300 in the Reitz Union. You can find additional information at https://.career.ufl.edu or by e-mailing UFCareerCenter@ufsa.ufl.edu .
- Graduate School (http://graduateschool.ufl.edu/about-us/offices/editorial/thesis-and-dissertation/) – The Graduate School offers checklists and other guidelines to assist students in meeting all thesis and dissertation requirements, such as proper formatting, appropriate management of copyright issues, and deadlines. They also provide a list of resources to support spouses and other family members. http://graduateschool.ufl.edu/graduate-life/student-life/spouse-and-family-resources/
- Student HealthCare Center. It is important that you maintain your health and wellness to excel in the classroom. The Student HealthCare Center is here to help. You can schedule an appointment by calling (352) 392-1161. The SHCC is located at 280 Fletcher Drive. There is also a satellite office in the Health Science Center, which is located in the Dental Tower, room D2-49 (second floor). Call (352) 392-1161 or for an appointment at either of the locations or make an appointment online.The locations and hours of all the UF health care facilities can be found on the health center web site.
- Title IX Coordinator – Students are entitled to an academic experience free of gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment and violence. If you experience gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence you can report it here: https://titleix.ufl.edu/report/. This website, located within the Office for Accessibility and Gender Equity, also offers additional information on Title IX, reporting, inclusion and support services.
- Victim Advocate Services – Support can be critical to academic performance when students have experienced a crime perpetrated against them. The University Police Department offers services to support individuals who have experienced a crime against them. Advocates are available 24 hours a day through UFPD. The number during business hours (Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm) is (352) 5648. After hours, call (352) 392-1111. You can also e-mail at ovs@mail.ufl.edu.
- PHHP Wellness Website (https://wellness.phhp.ufl.edu/wellness-resources-for-students/) –The wellness section of our college website provides links to several resources related to health and wellness. Among other resources, you will find links to mental health services, such as Talkspace, and the Silvercloud self-guided program (to help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression,) a financial literacy toolkit, and nutritional information.
- Program faculty and staff. We are also a resource for you! You can always consult the program advisors and mentors, the program director, chair or the Dean’s Office. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals.
Please contact the Dean’s Office at (352) 273-6377 or at cvogtle@ufl.edu if you are aware of resources you would like us to add to the list. Thank you.